How cold will it get, how hard will the wind blow, how much does three weeks worth of food weigh, did I remember to pack the anemometer...
Digging in on the glacier
Dave Pellegrini imitates a
solar panel
“We’ll be back”
No gate security here
Basin Camp
Off-loading at Basin Camp
Over the river and through the woods
Dave Covill at the park ranger briefing
Sleds use to haul gear over hard pack
Dave & Chris Covill at the Talkeetna airport
TZT at Talkeetna
Curbside Covills
Dave P. and Rob at DIA
Last minute posts
Dave & Beckie say adios to concrete and parking lots
Chris checks his pack weight
Covill’s new gear room
Covill’s gear
Yet more gear
Food from REI
Planning, Pondering and Preparation...
New additions to the gallery courtesy of Highpointer Alan Scherer who flew from Talkeetna to base camp with TZT