Henry County High Point Trip Report
Date: July 19, 2000
Author: Bill Jacobs
Henry, AL is located in the southeast corner of Alabama in the land of peanut farmers. There are four
areas to be tracked down at an elevation of 550 feet.
From the north side of the Dotham bypass proceed north on H431 for 24.5 miles. Turn left at H10 for 9.0
miles. Turn right on Henry County Road 54 for 0.3 miles then left on CR130, a dirt road, for about one
mile. High area is to right in a northeasterly direction about 100 yards across a farmer's field. No "keep
out" signs or farm houses nearby. Other three areas are clustered close together about 15 miles to the east,
south of Barbour/Henry county line on H431.
Take first right south of county line on H431 and a few 100 yards up road beyond residences where high
area can be access to the left. Area is covered with thick foliage making it difficult to determine high
point. Just meander around for awhile until conscience is satisfied that the area can be called complete.
For the next areas take first left south of county line. By the way, topos I used did not show H431 as born
yet and had this road as the primary route leading into Lawrenceville. Anyway, (topos are needed) less
than a mile down this road to right is the third area to be reached. Ramble through the forests with your
trusty topo as a guide to ensure coverage of the area.
Continue down this road and take the first left. At the crest of the first hill off to the left is the fourth area.
Once again a thick pine forest with a plethora of spider webs present the intrepid explorer with a great
challenge to locate the high point.