Pike County High Point Trip Report
Date: July 30, 1999
Author: Bill Jacobs
The high point is located a fourth of mile to the northeast of Beck's Mountain up the hill and underneath
some power lines. Was warned to watch out for rattlesnakes. This is the easy part.
Finding Beck's Mountain is the challenge. I came from the west and got disoriented due to a combination
of a lack of road signs and new road systems not shown on the topo maps and DeLorme. Approaching
from the east using H231 should present fewer problems. At one point, stopped at a gas station to inquire
as to my whereabouts and was hospitably invited into the combination store/pool hall/bar and sat down for
a long drawn out explanation by someone who had weeks on his hand while I was running hours behind
schedule. I then had to explain my interest in finding Beck's Mountain. But without experiences like
this, you fail to get a flavor of the community you are intruding upon.