Barney Metz - An Autobiography

General Considerations


Additional Comments

        I love the outdoors and hiking and have found that County Highpointing is a great hobby for a goal-oriented individual. I am married to a wonderful wife and we have two amazing children. My family responsibilities keep me from making County Highpointing a bigger priority in my life, however I slowly but surely keep plugging along.

        I would like to complete the Pacific Northwest before I pass on in this life.

Outdoors / Highpointing / Mountaineering


  • Best Hike - Backpacking trip to Emma Lake at the base of
    Mount Democrat in Colorado.

  • Worst Hike - Climbing out of the Potlatch River Drainage during a blizzard
    after spending nearly 8 hours searching for a deer that my
    brother-in-law had shot....Worst case of hypothermia I ever had.

  • Hiking Interests - Hope to complete the county highpoints of Idaho, Washington,
    Oregon, and anything else that I can bag.

  • General Geographic Interests - Pacific Northwest

  • Highest Elevation reached on land - 14,264 feet as Mt Evans, Colorado

my county highpoints completion map

Click on completion map for the full-sized version