Jim Retemeyer - An Autobiography

General Considerations


Additional Comments

I have three wonderful children, Geoffrey, Emily and Seth. All of them have followed in some sort of highpointing. They also belong to the Highpointers Club.

I love teaching mathematics and feel called to do so for my life’s purpose. My hobbies include highpointing/climbing. In other words, if it goes up I want to do it.

I also love motorcycling and often combine both hobbies. I am blessed to have a fellow motorcycle enthusiast and highpointer living in the same town (Jim Sartin). We have traveled over 25,000 miles together on motorcycles and climbed 130 mountains/highpoints.

Outdoors / Highpointing / Mountaineering


  • Best Climb - Gannett Peak, Wyoming

  • Worst Climb - Little Blue Peak in Yolo Count, CA

  • Highest attained elevation (land) - 16,060 feet on Ixtaccihuatl in Mexico

  • Highest attained elevation ever - 50,000 feet in Boeing B-52H bomber

  • Lowest attained elevation - (negative) 282 feet, Badwater in Death Valley, CA

my county highpoints completion map
Click on completion map
for the full-sized version

Additional Comments

Ever since my ascent of Half Dome, I have been passionate about climbing and highpointing. I try to introduce as many people as I can to the outdoors and the preciousness of it. During a climb, I am alone with God and able to clear many of the distractions of life. It has a renewing affect. There are so many times where I am in awe of the creative power of God. It is more peaceful and joyful to spend time in what God had created than what man has made.

I hope to climb every state highpoint (2 more), every county highpoint (many, many more) and as many country highpoints as I can. I think of Paul Zumwalt and how I never want to quit climbing/highpointing because of age.