Arapahoe County Highpoint Trip Report
two areas (6,210+ ft)
Date: May 23, 2005
Author: Don Desrosiers
I came up CO 83 from the Elbert County HPs to Parker, went east on Main Street
which becomes E Mainstreet (That is really what the sign says.), which becomes
Parker Road. At Delbert Street, turn north (left) until County Line Road,
which is just to the east of the southern point.
With that said, there is an immense development going in here and the southern
point no longer dwells with us in its previous glory. The picture on page 34 of
the Mitchler and Covill book shows life as it no longer is.
The small point across from Otero Road is a touch and go. It will probably go
away when the development is finished and the road gets widened, so this county
may require a reevaluation at some point.