Archuleta County High Point Trip Report
Summit Peak (13,300 ft)
Date: September 22, 1996
Author: David Olson
I drove through Del Norte and then up the Pinos Creek road to Summitville.
I took a photo from two miles away, of the Summitville mine and a sign
marking the boundary of the EPA Superfund site. The road drove closer, right by the mine.
Nearby was visitor information, and behind that a collection of old cabins of the
old ghost town of Summitville. I drove on. 1.5 miles after Elwood Pass
the unimproved road I intended to use was gated and I had to park there - alas!
It was mostly a day hike up Prospect Creek towards Long Trek Mountain and around Montezuma Peak.
On the far side of Montezuma Pk. I met another hiking party, from Albuquerque.
There was more snow, covering most of the ground, sometimes deeply,
in going past unnamed 13,000+ ft and on the northeast side of Summit Peak.
The southeast side of Summit Peak was mostly snow-free and grassy - a straight-forward climb.
I found three surveyor's monuments on top. In the register I saw many
unusual home-towns - several from Brazil. I went down the same way.
At the saddle I climbed up the 13,000+ ft peak, with 400 ft of shoulder drop.
The top was a nice climbing problem.
I got back to my car after dark. On my way out I drove down the Park Creek road.
I saw several warning signs about heavy truck traffic and avalanche danger.
At US Highway 160 there was a sign detailing more regulations concerning Summitville.