Clear Creek County High Point Trip Report
Grays Peak (14,270 ft)
Date: July 20, 2002
Authors: Ken, Annette, and Alexandra Oeser
From I-70 between Frisco and Georgetown, take exit 221 for Bakerville. From the exit ramp, go south on a
rough dirt road for 3 miles to the signed Grays Peak Trail parking area. This lot overflows sometimes,
and as we left there were cars parked along the road for about 1/4 mile.
A paved trail leaves the parking area and heads southwest and turns to gravel after a few hundred feet.
This trail climbs slowly for the first 2 miles, only gaining about 1500 feet. The trail then begins climbing up the
rocky slopes to a fork, left switch-backing up to Grays Peak, and the right going to Torreys Peak, which at
14,267 ft is only 3 feet lower than Grays. There is about a mile and 1000 foot gain from the signed trail split.
There is a register at the top, and two bumps which seem about the same elevation, but the BM could not be found.
The clouds can build quickly in the summer, so an early start is recommended.
The hike is about 3 miles one way with a 3000-foot gain.