Eagle County High Point Trip Report

Mount of the Holy Cross (14,005 ft)

Date: August 3, 1986
Author: Dave Olson

I day-tripped an ascent of Holy Cross. I got to Half Moon campground at 8:30 AM and set out for Lake Constantine, instead of the more usual Half Moon Pass. Just before getting to the lake I turned and climbed the basin between the transverse ridge and Notch Mountain. Thence up to the transverse ridge and up the unnamed 13,831-foot peak. I traversed from there over to Holy Cross, while a thunderstorm blew up. I did not stay on top of Holy Cross long. There are great views of the Elk Mountains from up there.

I descended by the standard ascent route. The 900 feet up to Half Moon pass was hard. However, a great view of East Cross Creek and Holy Cross can be had from halfway up; and a great view of the Gore Range and Ten Mile-Mosquito Ranges from the summit of Half Moon Pass.

I made the top of Holy Cross at 1:25 PM and got back to my car at 5:15 PM, then drove home.