El Paso County High Point Trip Report
Pikes Peak (14,110 ft)
Date: July 28, 1984
Author: David Olson
We started from The Crags campground west of Pikes Peak at 7:30 am.
After a short distance be watchful for a turn northwards in the trail
and for a side valley coming down from the east. At that point leave
the trail and bushwhack into the side canyon. After a short distance
up the side canyon we found the old logging road that goes up the valley,
and we followed it to timberline. A little higher we topped out of the
valley and onto the ridges and plateau of the Pikes Peak massif.
We quickly found a spur road that passes south of the Teller county HP
and then joins the toll-road. We climbed the knob that is the HP of Teller county.
We continued on, following the route of the toll-road.
We got on top of Pikes Peak at about noon amid clouds and thunderclaps.