Gunnison County Highpoint Trip Report
Castle Peak (14,265 ft)
Dates: August 23-25, 2003 (?)
Author: Walt O’Neil
I took Road 15 from Aspen, which turned into FR102 and was paved to the
trailhead. 2WD vehicles can make it a little farther on the dirt road from the
trailhead as there are some pullouts. I parked at a pullout camp area at around
11,500 feet and camped overnight.
The next morning I drove farther up to just below Montezuma Mine and parked in a
pullout area. I didn't go all the way because it appeared that large boulders
were blocking the road but when I got closer I found out they could be navigated.
I left at 6:54 and reached the real parking area quickly only to see some snow
snowfields and boulders ahead.
There were sporadic cairns on the lower part. I climbed to an area where both
Castle and Conundrum Peaks were in plain view and I spotted a trail ascending up
the ridge. After ascending the trail and going over 2 prominences, I reached
the summit. Parts reminded me of Longs Peak with the cliff-side trails.
Cairns got more numerous the higher I got. I summitted at 9:47, signed the register,
which was in a rock shelter and headed back down at 9:57.
There was some fog to the south of the summit and, shortly after descending,
some hail, which felt good as the pellets were small. I reached the car at
12:12 in bright sunshine.