Jefferson County High Point Trip Report

Buffalo Peak

Date: September 30, 2003
Author: Kevin Baker

I successfully navigated the 6 mile round-trip bushwhack from Stoney Pass to Buffalo Peak. This was a brutal hike as there were fallen trees everywhere. It took me 4 hours to make it to the summit, although we made it down in only 2 hr 20 min thanks to the aid of my GPS. Route-finding is essential on this approach, as it is difficult to see anything with the dense forest. I basically set a way point for the 2 prominent points along the way and took the shortest route possible. There is a false summit on the east which I mistakenly scrambled up only to see the true summit a couple hundred yards to the west.

The views on top made the hike worthwhile. Only 12 people have signed the register this year and I was the first up there since 7/12.