Larimer County High Point Trip Report
Hagues Peak (13,560 ft)
Date: July 2, 2002
Author: Walt O'Neil
I had been to the trailhead in the winter and got some nice snow pictures but on this day I drove to the
trailhead and embarked by 6:30 AM. The beautiful, scenic trail as described by John Mitchler and Dave Covill
in their book ended at the saddle at 12,346 feet, at 11:06 AM. From there I spotted two spires that
appeared to be technical and hoped there was an easy access from the back. The first 200 feet was rocky
tundra followed by honking up, over and around large boulders. I had to backtrack at times to find a better route.
Upon reaching the summit, I was glad to discover that neither of the spires I had seen was the HP.
The real HP was hidden behind the mass and was the easiest part of the climb. I summited at 1:02 PM,
signed the register and observed 2 others had been there at 10 AM.
I spent 8 minutes on top and could hear thunder in the distance. Descending the rocks was as hard as going up.
A thunderstorm hit just as I entered tree line. The rain was light and intermittent and felt good.
Trip statistics: 7 hours 32 minutes up and 5 hours 39 minutes down with
4,960 feet net elevation gain but probably over 5,000 feet total gain (i.e. counting the dips).