Montrose County High Point Trip Report
South Castle Peak (11,453 ft)
Date: July 4, 1992
Author: David Olson
I set off up the Cimarron River to climb South Castle Peak. I couldn't do it from that side. It was too
closely embraced by private land.
After breakfast in Ridgeway, I went to try Billy Creek/Burro Creek near Eldridge.
I quickly got stopped again, so I parked the car and started walking the more than 6 miles.
After-the-fact advice: Use the Buckhorn Lakes State Park access. I first followed a cow path beside a
diversion ditch, then other cow paths and back roads. I think I saw a turkey ahead of me on the trail.
I got up South Castle Peak, found the benchmark on a big boulder fallen from the cliff.
I bushwhacked back in good order using only the forest service map, 8:00 PM. I had seen a Blue Grouse in
mating display beside the Cimarron Road.