Park County Highpoint Trip Report
Mount Lincoln (14,286 ft)
Date: August 25, 2005
Author: Rich Wilson
I was a little concerned about the access, having read the web postings.
A small sign was posted on the Forest Service information board at the Kite Lake
trailhead advising hikers that permission from property owners was needed to proceed,
along with a directive to contact a local chamber of commerce in order
to obtain the names and permission of the owners. Yeah right. The sign also
offered alternative peaks in the area to hike. I find it rather odd that the
Forest Service continues to collect a $3 parking fee, for a trailhead that has
no legal trail on which to hike.
Anyway, we elected to proceed up Mount Lincoln. The trail takes off and heads
up to the first old mining camp. It splits several times but, since all trails
lead "up", we eventually arrived at the Democrat/Cameron saddle. From here we
followed a climber's path over Cameron and up to the summit of Lincoln.
The weather was beautiful on top but we could see a front fast approaching.
By the time we got back to the Democrat/Cameron saddle, a stinging, wind-blown hail
was pelting us and we were ushered back down the mountain by the crash of thunder.
It seems the access issue hasn't deterred everybody.
There were, perhaps, 20 people hiking in the
Democrat/Cameron/Lincoln area the day we were there (week day).
About 5.5 miles round trip with 2,600 feet of gain.