Prowers County Highpoint Trip Report
South Butte of Two Buttes (4,711 ft)
Date: June 25, 2005
Authors: Sue Ann Miller and Frank Price
Twin Buttes is an interesting county HP. The route is just as described by
Covill and Mitchler but the gate had been improved and is now substantial enough
for a safe climb-over that does not damage the fence. After enjoying the South
Butte HP, we strolled over to the north butte and discovered that we shared the
lower summit with a porcupine cowering under summit rocks! We've admired wind
farms in NY, CA, northern CO, WV south of the Maryland state HP and in Germany
but the impression of approximately 120 wind generators in lines on what can
only be called a wind ranch was, dare we say, powerful. In gratitude for access
to this private land, we removed a few of those amazingly heavy empty cans that
some folks can't seem to take with them.