Routt County High Point Trip Report
Mt. Zirkel (12,180 ft)
Date: August 24-25, 1996
Author: David Olson
We were rather late leaving metro Denver. I drove the I-70 route to Wolcott and then north.
We arrived at the Slavonia trailhead at 8:30 pm, late twilight.
I in front and John behind with a flashlight set out on the trail.
We found and took the right trail fork, going up Gold Creek.
I paced off about one mile and then we started looking for a camp.
When the trail forded Gold Creek we made a camp as best as we could.
In the morning we broke camp, took down the tents and hid the packs,
then found a log across the stream and hiked on up past the lake,
and way up to Red Dirt Pass. From the pass we hiked north onto a sharply defined plateau
and then up to the summit of Mt. Zirkel, 12180 ft.
Thankfully the middle summit is clearly the HP - the north summit would have been
hard to climb. We found no benchmark, just a drill-hole. We hiked the same route back.
We again noted, in a certain high-altitude band, an abundance of mushrooms,
almost all Fly Agaric - poisonous.