Quitman County High Point Trip Report
Date: July 19, 2000
Author: Bill Jacobs
From Lumpkin, GA take H27 west for 13 miles. First area is located just after Stewart/Quitman County
line as road starts southwesterly turn. Park off to the left and enter piney forest area. Difficult to discern
actual high point. Berms at edge of trees next to the road appear to be the highest terrain but are probably
man-made. Reference to topo map helpful to ensure exact coverage of area.
For the second area continue down road to first dirt road to the left. Best to park off H27 as there is no
room to park on side of dirt road. Although road and area are heavily posted, spoke with a neighbor
passing by who assured me the owners were not opposed to casual hikers. Proceed down road about 100
yards and enter pine forest to the left. High point is somewhere in a large flat area approximately a fourth
of a mile to the east.