Stewart County High Point Trip Report
Date: July 19, 2000
Author: Bill Jacobs
Highpoints (2) are located eight miles north of Richland, GA on H280. Both areas are on the west side of
the road less than a mile north of Brooklyn. Reference to a topo map is needed. The northern most area
(Pierson) is about 100 yards off the side of the highway up a hill with a lot of underbrush. Precise hilltop
not easy to determine.
Second area is to the south abeam a radio tower on the east side of road. Took dirt road to the west up a
hill leading to a farmer's home. Martinized hillcrest and backed down hill-no way to turn around. Was
not certain if this point was in highest contour area. Also, don't believe this is same road shown on topo
map. Went slightly further south on H280 and parked off side of road then bushwacked up hill heading in
a WNW direction. Difficult again to ascertain exact highpoint.