Maui County High Point Trip Report
Date: July 25, 2000
Author: Ron Tagliapietra
The highest summit of Haleakala is Puu Ulaula (Red Hill). At 10,023 feet, it will be cold - as it was for
us. This is the third highest peak in the state (the higher ones being on the Big Island, see Hawaii Co.).
Sunrise at the observation building is very popular, but not sunset since the mountain is usually clouded in
by then. From Kahului, drive east on Hwy. 36 for 1.5 mi. Turn right onto Hwy. 37 (Haleakala Hwy) and
drive 7 miles. Stay left onto Hwy 377 to remain on the Haleakala Hwy and drive 5 miles. Turn left onto
Crater Road (hwy. 378) and drive about 12 miles to its end. All junctions are marked and the route is
easy to follow and paved to the summit. The drive will take about an hour from Kahului.
The parking area is in a hollow, and the highest spot is at the observation building up to your left;
however, you can find a benchmark uphill to your right. A minute's walk on the ridge around the parking
hollow reaches both spots. The view of the huge crater (more than 11 miles across) is fabulous, and be
sure to note the silversword plants in the parking area.
The plant is quite distinctive and endemic to Hawaii.
Information is available about a mile back at the visitor center as well as at a lower elevation visitor center
on Crater Road.