Winnebago County High Point Trip Report

Date: June 24, 2001
Author: Edward Earl

This county has two possible HPs. One is on the side of Pilot Knob. From the point where we turned toward the campground just before an official state park entrance sign, we headed W on a gravel road, which follows the Hancock-Winnebago county line and tops out after 1/3 mile. The highest natural earth is the base of an artificial mound of dirt on the right side of the road.

The other possible HP is reached by taking county road R34 about 3.5 miles S from Thompson. (In town, the highway is called Harrison Street). At that point the paved highway turns right, and we continued straight ahead 1/3 mile on a gravel road to where it tops out adjacent to a dense cluster of trees which harbors a farmhouse complex. The owners, an elderly couple, were out front working, and they said it was fine with them for me to visit the HP, which they said was next to a windmill. We located the windmill and attendant HP on the far side of the cluster of trees. The windmill had a vane but no fan.