Franklin County High Point Trip Report

unnamed (9,484 ft)

Date: July 6, 1998
Author: David Olson

From US hwy. 89 a few miles "south" (actually west) of Bear Lake Summit, I followed the signed turnoff north towards Beaver Mtn. Ski Area. A mile or two further I turned off right (north) onto the Beaver Creek gravel road and zeroed my odometer. I followed my sketch-map for about 7.7 miles to a signed intersection, then turned left towards Egan Basin.

At 9.5 miles, within sight of Danish Pass, I turned right (north) onto a jeep road and drove up that for 0.4 miles. It was a steep and interesting 800' gain hike up to the county HP. I speculate that the two highest rock pinnacles on top are a few feet into the next watershed, across the county line and outside Franklin county. I found a lot of aluminum cans and collected them together to make a summit cairn.