Hyperlinks to County Highpoint Acme.com maps and
Hyperlinks to State Highpoint TerraServer images
* by Glen Bock
Links to a given state's county highpoint topographic maps are available by clicking on that state from
within this map. Please note that many states do not yet have maps, and, for some states, only a partial
set of links to maps for it's county highpoints is currently available.
Links to USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles for county highpoints
Some states are still in work, checking these links as it appears that acme.com is not perfect when it comes to
plotting locations, but most are no more than a few 100 feet off. At least these links will speed you to
getting in the area.
Naming convention: the first two letters are the state, the remaining 4 letters are the best I could do
to make a unique identifier related in some way to the name of the county.
If there is a number in the last place, that indicates multiple possible points within the county.
SSCCCC or SSCCCN letters mean: SS = State ID, C's = county name, N = sub-county point number