Stevens County High Point Trip Report
Date: January 10, 1998
Author: John Mitchler
Six distinct hillocks, all on same N-S ridge, in abandoned range land, in an active gas field.
I numbered the hills as follows:
1. isolated hill on top of defined ridge in sec 14
2. ill-defined north edge of a u-shaped depression in sec 23
3. well defined hill west of 2
4. well defined hill, road and new gas line going over summit
5. hill south of 4 in sec 27
6. isolated hill in sec 26
Hand-leveling and back-sighting from each hill determines that 4 ("yucca hill") and 1
are probably the HPs. A new gasline was being trenched just west of hill #1 which is a drive-up.
By the way CR F extends along the south line of sec. 22 and 23 although it's only a rough sandy lane.
Also note that CR 2 extends north for 1/2m from the se corner of sec. 22
so you can drive up to hills 2 and 3. Very isolated and lonely country;
this is what HPing is all about!