Bath County Highpoint Trip Report
Tater Knob - one of three areas (1,388 feet)
Date: June 9, 2002
Author: Ken Oeser
From KY211 about 3 miles south of Salt Lick, turn east onto Clear Creek Road, marked by a sign for Daniel
Boone National Forest and mentioning Tater Knob 9 miles. Follow this road and turn left at a sign at 4.5
miles from the highway, and the marked turnoff to the parking area is at about 9 miles. My altimeter
showed a gain of 160 feet from the parking lot to the top. A sign mentions that this is the last fire tower
standing in Daniel Boone National Forest.
Although I believe this is the highest point in Bath county, I'm only claiming it as a partial until better maps
prove me right. South Knob has an elevation of 1,384 feet, and the tiny spot southwest of South Knob
doesn't have a listed elevation, but I think if it was higher than South Knob 1384, it would have the title
instead of the northern spot.