Clay County High Point Trip Report

Date: April 13, 2002
Author: Levi Foust

Exit the Daniel Boone Parkway to Route 421. Go south 6.5 miles and turn right onto Route 1524. Go 8.5 miles to Route 2467. After 4.1 miles, bear left (the road becomes narrow and soon turns to gravel). At 1.1 miles after bearing left you will come to the end of the road. There was an older gentleman burning trash in a barrel, but didn't seem like he wanted me there so I backtracked about 0.1 mile to where the stream crosses under the road (notice big pipes leading out of the mountain-side).

I hiked southwest to the top of the ridge, then southeast to Sugar Gap, then northeast to the 2,235-foot spot elevation. Just a short jaunt to the southeast will bring you to the second 2,200+ foot area. From there I followed the ridge top to the northeast and then north-northwest to the third and final area, which has a large rock standing about 8 feet high.

Return trip. I continued along the ridge tops in a counter-clockwise fashion to my car. The Topozone map is in 40-foot increments which is deceiving when you're used to 20-foot increments. The terrain is rugged and steep, especially where previously mined. Lots of thorns! There are a few ATV trails crisscrossing the mountains which make for better traveling. There may be a better way all-together of obtaining these highpoints.