Bossier Parish High Point Trip Report

two unnamed areas on Plain Dealing USGS quadrangle (470+ ft)

Date: July 6, 2003
Author: David Olson

I used the same route as Han Haustein. I refer you to his report, or to a map, for directions on how to get to the vicinity of the HP areas.

The southeast HP area is a few hundred feet south of the central-spot. A road goes over the middle of the small area and the brush is thick on each side.

The northwest HP area is interesting. I followed The-Road to the bluff edge, then turned right. I passed over high ground and then headed down. The scene did not match my map. Soon I figured out that this lane is new and not shown on the map. It heads nnw from the road-T corner, along the bluff's edge, crosses the southwest corner of the big HP area and soon goes down the narrow, west-trending ridge. I went back to the power-line cut, walked east a few paces and found the Old-North-Lane shown on the map, now abandoned. I went as far as the second tree downed across the lane and knocked about the HP area. I recommend visiting the highest ground on-and-about both lanes, the Bluffs-Edge lane and the Old-North lane. I say again, the brush is thick throughout there.