Plymouth County High Point Trip Report
Manomet Hill (395 ft)
Date: October 7, 2000
Author: Michael Schwartz
From MA 3, take exit 4 onto MA 3A southbound. After about two miles, reach a crest, where there is a
bike/boat store. Park either at the store or near the gate described below, where there is room for two cars
to park without blocking the gate. No other buildings are nearby and radio towers 100 yards east and
west. Slightly downhill to the west is a gate across a two-track lane. The gate is posted, but a store
employee said many people go there for walks. The path is well-used. I met other walkers there during
my visit. It was about 1/2 mile and 100' uphill to the summit area. No views. I also bushwhacked over to
the smaller closed 390 ft. contour 1/8 mile south, which added about five minutes to the visit.