Allegany County Highpoint Trip Report

Date: June 23, 2007
Author: Brennan Connelly

Dan's Rock (2,895 feet)

I went for Dan's Rock first, as it should have been the easiest, and it was after I made the mistake of following the signs for Dan's Mountain State Park and utterly confusing myself. As I was driving back to 68, I saw the tiny sign for the Dan's Rock overlook and found it with ease.

area in county's northwest corner (2,880+ feet)

For the second point, I followed Don Desrosiers report and made my way into PA. Old Mount Savage Road was easy enough to find, although it looks like a driveway and is really just a Jeep trail. I would highly recommend that one reconsider attempting to drive their car to the end of the road, as it would be a poor choice. A high clearance vehicle is necessary as the road is fairly washed out, although I never did lock my truck into 4x4.

I found the open swath through the woods at the right-of-way and went slightly south as others have to reenter MD but I never did find the 3x county marker, nor did I see any state line markers, although the foliage was atrociously thick and I could have been standing on one for all I know. I did wander the 2880-foot contour for about 20 minutes stepping on any and all HPs, so I know I got it at some point.