Baltimore City High Point Trip Report
Date: June 10, 2002
Author: Barney Metz
Out of all the highpoints that I completed on this trip this was the most difficult, primarily for doing this at
night and dealing with traffic and trying to determine if there is not a better candidate.
point 1 - 6946 Glen Heights Road (480+ ft)
Heading north on US 140, I missed the turn off and ended up in Pikesville. I then turned around and
proceeded south on US 140 until I came to Crest Heights Road where I turned right. Then take the next right,
which is Glen Heights Road. You must take these streets in this order or the one-way directions will
foul you up. I put on my flashers and dashed through and around the yard at 6946.
point 2 - NE of intersection of Labyrinth and Reisterstown (480+ ft)
I then proceeded to Reisterstown and went right to check out Mike Schwartz's claim of a higher area.
I noticed proceeding south on Reisterstown that I was going uphill gradually. I pulled over in a parking lot
and reread Mike Schwartz's trip report. I proceeded to Labyrinth and Reisterstown and parked on the west
side of US-140 and walked over to the intersection. I agree with Mike that this is indeed higher than 6946
Glen Heights Road. At the intersection of Labyrinth and Reisterstown, it would be the northeast quadrant
where the higher ground is located on the side of a housing project.
point 3 - behind the rear parking lot of Temple Oheb Shalom (480+ ft)
I then proceeded to the Temple of Oheb Shalom, Mike Spelled it differently. I headed north again on
Reisterstown and took a right on Falstaff road and then took a left on Park Heights Avenue. I went north
until you see the complex. The complex is a Temple and apparently a school split over Park Heights Road.
The side you want is on the west side of Park Heights. There is a driveway along the north side of the
temple that will lead to large parking lots in the back of the temple. At the very end of these parking lots is
the high point. I canvassed the area, claimed the highpoint, and headed back to my motel.