Baltimore City High Point Trip Report
two areas in NW corner of city (480+ ft)
Date: December 30, 2002
Author: Dan Case
intersection of Reistertown and Labyrinth roads
After coming in through Pikesville, continue about 0.3 mile past Glen Heights to the intersection. There is a
large shopping center on the northwest side of the road you could park in; I found it more convenient to turn
left at the next light, go down to Gist Road and come back up one-way Labyrinth to the intersection and park,
where you can visit all the likely high spots for yourself.
Try the obviously built-up front yards of both corner houses for starters, then the sidewalk on Reistertown
further north, then (my favorite) the ground under the spruce tree at 6901 Reistertown. If you feel that's too
obviously graded up to build the many tract houses in the area, go down the neighboring alley a bit and
you'll find some nearly higher ground.
back of Temple Ohev Shalom parking lot
Go back up Reistertown to Fallstaff. Turn right and follow this down some distance (you'll note Gist Road
also comes out along here) to the light at Park Heights Avenue. Turn left as described elsewhere.
The temple is about half a mile down on left, its somewhat funkier rounded architecture standing out amidst all
the larger apartment buildings around here. Access to the rear parking lot is gained via the road on the
south side of the building.
Go all the way to the northwest corner, way in back, where you'll obviously be at the high ground. There is
a gate out to Maryland Avenue that does suggest some alternate access if needed or desired. High ground is
either close to it (I found a leaf pile that is obviously not permanent but did put me up higher than anything else)
or near large oak trees nearby.
Park Heights is also MD 129, and can be reached from the Stevenson Road exit on I-695 with less traffic
and distance into Baltimore if one desires to do this loop the other way around.