Howard County High Point Trip Report

two unnamed points 1,700 feet apart at NW corner of county

Author: Mike Schwartz

Dan Case's reports are accurate, and I agree with his assessment of the relative high ground near the fenced-in microwave tower. It was fun to take a picture from behind the monkey bars that included both Howard County high points, as well as the Montgomery high point. It looks as if the wedge-shaped projection of Montgomery County creates an unusual four-county corner where it touches the Carroll County line and abuts Frederick and Howard Counties. The map does not show a marker, and I forgot to check it out on the ground. I am only aware of three four-county points in the extended Northeast: This one, Warren/Mckean/Forest/Elk in PA, and Grant/Hardy/Mineral/Hampshire in WV. The last is shown as having a marker, and will be visited someday.