Howard County Highpoint Trip Report

two unnamed points 1,700 feet apart at northwest corner of county (880+ ft)

Date: June 10, 2007
Author: Michael Schwartz

The area with the tower, formerly run by the Army out of Ft. Ritchie, now is run by the FAA. The fencing hasn't changed but the signs have. If someone arrived while FAA workman were around, they might be a bit easier to deal with than the Ft. Ritchie crowd and possibly allow access. There really isn't any need to enter the fenced-in area but, if anyone wants to, here is the new contact info quoted from the signs:

Penn Shop Tower
Damascus, MD
FCC Tower Registration #1208357

Interestingly, the tower registration data on the FCC website gives a ground elevation of 265.8 meters, which converts to only 872 feet and this is supposed to be within an 880+ foot contour.