Queen Anne's County Highpoint Trip Report
41 points (80+ ft)
Date: March 24-25, 2006
Authors: Chip Clark, Don Desrosiers, Fred Lobdell, Mike Schwartz
Note: All coordinates use the NAD27 datum.
The word that might best describe this county is "subtle". The contours are "subtle".
Rises are (almost always) "subtle". Relief, where it is discernible,
is "subtle". A GPS and a hand level would be consider de rigueur for the
serious COHP'er. Many of the points have been plowed/blown away over the years.
The maps seriously need to be updated.
Many points were in open farm fields and, while they often provided excellent
sight lines, this could provide "issues" if the crops are up. Plan your visit
to this county accordingly. We noted several adjacent fields in the first
stages of being replanted.
Further, this county provided a new word to our collective vocabulary, IBI.
This stands for "Ignored By Inspection". We grew to love this new word.
"That point is supposed to be over in that direction about 150 yards.
If it's out there, its an IBI."
After a careful examination of the quads, we ended up with 41 possible points on
the following quads: Centreville (6), Church Hill (17), Price (6), Ridgley (1),
Sudlersville (4), and Wye Mills (8). One contour overlapped on the Wye Mills
and Centreville quads.
This is the order we did the points. Removing our IBIs, the route could
probably be made more efficient. Using a Delorme will get you around the county
easily enough, so we will omit some of the turn-by-turn directions.
#1 ( 39:08:02N, 75:47:11W ) Just north of Cleaves Forks in the driveway of the
first house on the right on Duhamel Corner Road. Visually sighting toward the
highest point in Caroline County, it is possible this point is no longer over 80 feet.
#2 ( 39:08:40N, 75:47:29W ) Continue north on Duhamel Corner Road.
Look for sign for the Futcher's. There was a wooden bear statue at the HP.
We posed for pictures.
#3 ( 39:08:46N, 75:47:30W ) Next to driveway at #804.
#4 ( 39:08:56N, 75:47:36W ) Next to tree and across from #803.
Sighted as lower than #3.
#5 ( 39:08:49N, 75:54:47W ) Near the intersection of MD 302 and Hollingsworth
Road. 85 spot elevation was in the middle of the field and was obvious.
#6 ( 39:08:04N, 75:55:14W ) Hollingsworth Road becomes Crane Swamp Road south
of 302. Park at the intersection of Brierley Mill Road and Crane Swamp.
The point is pretty much straight out into the field from here. We dedicated this
point to Chip's Mom, since Brierley was her maiden name.
#7 ( 39:07:52N, 75:55:29W ) To the southwest of #6. Leveled as less than #6. IBI.
#8 ( 39:07:58N, 75:55:34W ) Drove into the farm and spoke with the property
owner who graciously allowed us to walk around. The area near his cow trough
scoped both ways as very slightly lower than #6, so it is probably an IBI.
#9 ( 39:07:46N, 75:55:07W ) South along Crane Swamp with the highest ground
fairly close to the road. May hit 82 but clearly lower than #6. IBI.
#10 ( 39:07:11N, 75:55:42W ) Just north of MD 19 near the 78 BM. The highest
ground is fairly close to the road and probably only gets to about 81.5 feet.
The female homeowner at this site was exceedingly hostile to our presence and
wanted us off of her land immediately if not faster. Her husband, while
probably wanting us gone also, appeared somewhat embarrassed by the ferocity of
her tirade. On the plus side, this woman provided endless amusement for the
remainder of the weekend. Anyone misbehaving was threatened with being left in
front of this house in the dead of night.
#11 ( 39:07:02N, 75:55:43W ) In field due south of #10. Gone, thus IBI.
#12 ( 39:06:08N, 75:55:21W ) Farther west on MD 19 and east of US 301.
Across from mailbox with auger stand. Subtle. Probably an IBI.
#13 ( 39:07:38N, 75:57:10W ) Across from MB #560. The old house site is
probably as high as anything.
#14 ( 39:10:02N, 75:56:36W ) On John Powell Drive west of MD 300. While there
is some rise, based on a 68 spot elevation at Route 300, this point probably
does not exceed 80 feet any longer. The point is in an electrically fenced
field if you feel so inclined. We weren't. IBI.
#15 ( 39:09:06N, 75:56:26W ) Off of MD 300, turn south onto dirt Ben Lee Farm
Road. The land was clearly posted but the signs were somewhat less clear about
the road itself. The road runs over the HP and can almost be Martinized and can
definitely be IBI'd.
We called it quits for the evening at this point since it was beginning to get
darkish. Found a perfectly good Best Western in Denton.
#16 ( 38:58:40N, 75:58:33W ) The single Ridgley point at 2601 Starr Road.
Might hit 81 feet if we are generous. IBI.
#17 ( 36:56:07N, 76:01:01W ) On Fox Meadow Road north on MD 404.
Currently has a house on it. Clearly lower than #18. IBI.
#18 ( 38:58:40N, 75:58:33W ) Closer to Fox Mill Road than #17. IBI.
#19 ( 38:57:51N, 76:01:44W ) Off Grange Hall Road southeast of Starr.
This area is very flat. The edge of the contour is about 10 feet from the road.
Based on the size of this contour, we would have expected to see some relief here.
May hit 81 on a good day but such days would be few and far between.
#20 ( 38:58:34N, 76:00:08W ) On Neighbor Road east of Starr. Didn't find the
BM or much relief. There was a sign advertising 79+/- acres. We thought this
sign particularly apropos for this area. Didn't find the Starr BM either,
although we found a witness post and mark.
#21 ( 38:59:04N, 76:01:14W ) Large area with 87 spot elevation on MD 309
northwest of Starr. Highest ground is fairly close to the road across from
mailbox #1020. This area may be pushing 90.
#22 ( 38:59:31N, 76:01:27W ) Small area north of #21. Clearly lower than #21. IBI.
#23 ( 39:00:00N, 76:00:20W ) The dirt road from point #22 is too overgrown for
practical use. Continue to Little Eagle Road and go east.
This point is maybe 76 feet. IBI.
#24 ( 38:59:52N, 76:00:19W ) south of #23. There is a house on this point.
It is obviously lower #23. IBI.
#25 ( 39:02:03N, 76:01:13W ) Large area spanning US 301. There are two areas
that need to be checked here. On the good side, from these two points you can
see all of the contour. From the intersection of US 301 and MD 304, follow the
signs for Tidewater Publishing. Go behind the building, cross the RR tracks and
walk along the right edge of the field to the obvious rise about 1/3 of the way
to the old house. This area scopes as highest from here and at the road
crossing at the very north of the contour and is probably in the 87-88 foot
range. For the second point, go back to 304 and go east across US 301, turning
left onto Safety Drive near the county building complex (and behind the MD State
Police barracks). The rise is obvious at the corner of Communications Drive.
>From here you can see to the extreme southern reaches of this contour.
#26 ( 39:04:39N, 75:59:28W ) East of US 301 at Hayden, otherwise known as
"The Rest Area". Based on the way things sloped off, the 85 foot spot
elevation is long gone.
The higher ground was south of White Marsh Road and contained recent houses.
Sighted several snow geese.
#27 ( 39:05:00N, 76:00:42W ) On Clannihan Shop Road. Small point that would
have been in the middle of the field. Now gone. IBI.
#28 ( 39:04:53N, 76:00:30W ) Small point that would have been in the middle of
the field. Now gone. IBI.
#29 ( 39:05:17N, 76:00:20W ) The highest ground in this area was north of
Clannihan Shop Road and reasonably close to the road. May approach 82 feet but
is for the most part gone. IBI.
#30 ( 39:07:14N, 75:56:03W ) On Rabbit Hill Road south of Roberts.
Highest ground is at road cut near driveway. Either touch and go or IBI.
Not a contender.
#31 ( 39:06:31N, 75:56:41W ) Rabbit Hill Road northeast of Price. Based on the
74 foot BM at the RR tracks, this point no longer reaches its previous height.
79 maybe. IBI.
#32 ( 39:11:37N, 75:55:46W ) Large area with BM Saw. This area also has two
points that must be visited in order to claim this contour. Southern lobe - Off
of Shine Smith Road just east of US 301. There is a windmill in the field that
is the highest thing in the visibly immediate area. Based on the lay of the
land, this point is probably in the upper 80's and may be pushing 90. Northern
lobe (with 89 foot spot elevation) - Continue west on Shine Smith and turn north
(right) onto Pondtown Road. We found BM Saw quite easily. The BM had recently
been uncovered and flagged. Someone from our group? From there, it was a
straight shot down the unmarked road to a bushwhack to the 89 foot spot
elevation site. There was some slight but subtle rise about where we figured it
should be.
#33 ( 39:11:45N, 75:56:31W ) From Pondtown Road, turn northwest onto the
unposted dirt road. This point is at the old house site and seemed obvious.
Probably an IBI based on #35 but we hadn't gotten there by then. Maybe 82 or 83.
#34 ( 39:11:49N, 75:56:45W ) Along the dirt driveway back to Pondtown Road.
Either drag your foot or call it an IBI since it is lower than #33. Subtle yet
there someplace.
#35 ( 39:11:04N, 76:57:03W ) Come back southwest on Pondtown Road.
Highest ground is near the obvious bend in the road. The terrain drops off sharply
(surprisingly so) to the north and everything in the contour is lower.
If you find power pole #6710-737, you've got it.
There is a junk yard across the street. A must visit.
#36 ( 39:11:05N, 75:58:00W ) From Pondtown Road, turn right onto Bowers Road
and left onto Sheriff Meredith Road. Highest point is in front of farm house
and may reach subtly 80.5 feet. IBI.
#37 ( 39:11:07N, 75:58:40W ) Continue along Sheriff Meredith to #315 which is
being lived in but nobody was home. There is an obvious rise and walking around
the house should cover you. The 85-foot spot elevation is probably about where
it should be.
#38 ( 39:11:15N, 75:58:51W ) Northwest of #37. IBI.
#39 ( 39:11:27N, 75:58:54W ) Northwest of #37. IBI.
#40 ( 39:11:24N, 75:58:38W ) North of # 37. IBI.
#41 ( 39:01:59N, 76:06:19W ) From the middle of Centreville, take 213 south to
a right on 18 south. This point is on the driveway for the house on the right
just before reaching the Route 18. Park. Based on the location of the house,
driveway, and 60 year old contour we said, "IBI".
We have no idea which point is the highest but #21, #25, #32, #35, and #37 are contenders.
MD believes #21 is the winner.
Removing all the IBIs gives you 16 points to visit.
For those who are looking for additional points in this county, there is an
attractive point on the Ridgley quad at (38:56:10, 75:59:48). Examination of
this miniature point on at least one source suggest this point to be a
depression. This is not as clear on other online sources.
This county makes Mike Schwartz the first conqueror of the entire Delmarva Peninsula.
It is not a state per se but definitely should be. It also extends
Mike's home glob radius From Kent County MD to Loudoun County VA.