Somerset County Highpoint Trip Report
two points (49-53 ft)
Date: December 27, 2005
Author: Don Desrosiers
Mike Schwartz's fine directions should get you there but a couple of
clarifications might help.
Flower Hill Road is 0.7 mile south of the county line on U.S. 13. Backbone Road
is at the first stop sign and Meadow Bridge Road is at the "T" intersection at
the 2nd stop sign.
For the northern area, I felt the HP was between the cemetery and the old house.
For the Zion Cemetery area, Meadow Bridge Road seemed to run fairly close to the
height of the land, so the highest ground is reasonably close to the road.
I liked the area just across from Zion Cemetery but would not be disappointed by
the area to the northwest where the power line crosses the road.
As an aside, DeLorme would suggest it is possible to continue north on Meadow
Bridge to access U.S. 13. This suggestion is incorrect.