Bates County High Point Trip Report
Date: May 31, 2002
Author: Bob Martin
These four areas are near the Cass county hp. From the intersection of roads 18 and AA southeast of Drexel,
drive one mile south and one mile east. The areas are southeast of this intersection. The largest one
laps west over the road to the south. We drove south from the intersection a half mile, where the Brady
house sits on a hill west of the road. That would appear to be the high part of the large western area but a
man there said that the site of the house had been built up quite a bit. He said the highest natural areas
would be east of the road. He suggested that I approach these areas from the north. We drove back to the
intersection and east about 0.3 mile to a gap in the fence at some cattle facilities.
It took quite a bit of walking to cover the 3 larger areas. It's pasture land with cattle feeders and a tank not
shown on the map between the northern area and the central area. No distinct high point was found, though
it appeared the highest ground is in the central area. The small southeast area is distinct but definitely lower.