Benton County High Point Trip Report
Date: November 17, 2002
Author: Dave Covill
This is a very easy one, just a spot off of the road a bit.
Approach from Stover on MO 52 by driving west 4.3 mile to county line, then 0.9 mile further west to road W.
Go 3.6 south on W, following as it jogs twice. There is a pull-in on the left side of the road.
On the west side is scrub bushes for 100 feet, then a stand of trees, before a field is seen far to the west.
The HP is at the edge of trees and scrub grass, about 150 feet from the side of the road, and back north a
similar distance from the pull-in, by the largest juniper tree. Call it good, kinda flat all around there.