Caldwell County High Point Trip Report
Date: September 26, 2001
Authors: Bob Martin and Art Tauchen
From exit 40 on I29, drive east 2 miles on MO 116. Turn left and head north on US 69 a little over 2 miles
to a main cross road. Turn right and drive east almost 2 miles to where the road makes a sharp left turn and
goes north. The first highpoint area is just northeast of this turn in the road.
Go to the house south of this road turn and meet a young lady named Athena Miller. When we were there,
she said that we could have permission to go to the highpoint if she could go with us. Naturally, we couldn't
turn down such a deal.
The walk from Athena's house to the highpoint is north along the road, east through a gate, and northeast
through a weedy area, a round trip of less than a half mile. The location of the highpoint is obvious.
Athena told us that the house north and across the road from hers belonged to her late grandfather and that her
parents were to remodel it for their home. Athena was quite interested in knowing that the county highpoint
was on their land, and was disappointed when we told her that it was just 1 of 2 possible highpoints of
Caldwell county. She was very interested in our array of instruments, and took a keen interest in looking at
the level, GPS, and map. When I asked Athena if I should tell my friends to stop by her house when coming
to this highpoint, she said definitely tell them to do so. She said she likes company and might even
accompany them to the highpoint.
For the second area, drive a half mile north, 0.2 east, another half mile north, turn left and drive west.
After 3/4 mile, turn right and head north a half mile. Drive in to a house on the left to ask permission.
The lady of the house owns the land at the highpoint and extending to the road south of it.
Backtrack south a quarter mile to a gate.
Walk west-southwest a quarter mile in grassland to the obvious highpoint.