Jackson County High Point Trip Report
Date: December 23, 2000
Author: John Mitchler
Located immediately south of Kansas City, Missouri, this cohp is on farmland with two radio towers.
From the west, take I-435 south of I-70. From the east, take I-470 south of I-70. Both of these form the
southern beltway around KC and provide access to US71. Exit off the interstate onto US71 and proceed
south for 5 miles to MO150 (SW M-150 Hwy). Go east on MO150 for 5 miles to Horridge Road, passing
Lumpkins Fork at mile 3.0 (at mile 2.3 you'll spot the cohp radio towers). At Horridge Road (paved), turn
right (south) and go a half mile to where the road crests (the spot elevation of 1095' on the topo). Park.
There are two radio towers (the topo only shows one) separated by a hedge of Osage Orange trees which
form the east-west fence line in the center of section 35. The tower south of this fenceline is a new Sprint
skeleton pyramid. The tower north of the fence is an older radio tower with a brick building and yellow
metal gate across the access road.
This cohp is a good example of something I failed to mention in my hand-level write-up. This cohp is one
single large area. Sometimes you have to break up single large areas by identifying candidate spots within
and do hand leveling between them. I broke up this area into five spots, 1 = new tower, 2 = east of new
tower, 3 = southeast of older tower, 4 = east of older tower, and 5 = older tower. Hand-leveling indicates
that spots 3 and 4 are highest (i.e., just east of the older tower). There is a north-south fence line on the
quarter-section line just east of the older tower and this appears to be the highest land.