Jefferson County Highpoint Trip Report
Date: June 21, 2008
Author: Bill Schuler
Vinegar Hill on Vineland quadrangle, section 12 (1,060+ ft)
reference: Coleman Atlas page 48 grid coordinates E5
This is an easy one. Begin at I-55, Exit 174 and MO67 just south of Crystal
City and zero odometer.
0.0 - I-55 at MO67, go west on MO67.
17.0 - Shannon Road, turn right.
17.1 - Berry Road, turn left.
18.0 - Silver Springs Road, turn right.
19.7 - Vinegar Hill Drive, rocky dirt.
Turn right or park and walk. Poor parking at end.
19.8 - Locked gate, park in the field to the left.
With permission from Mr. Dunn, go past the No Trespassing sign and continue up
the road about 0.2 mile north and less than 100 feet up. The high point is just
off to the left of the road at its crest. Return the same way.