Osage County High Point Trip Report
two areas - one with spot elevation 1,063 ft
Date: November 14, 2003
Author: Michael Schwartz
For the smaller area, from the county line in Belle, go north 0.5 mile on MO 89 and turn left (west) onto CR 715.
The obvious highpoint knob is on the property at the corner of 89/715, posted with an unfriendly sign.
The knob has substantial gain from the road and needs to be visited.
For the large area, drive east from Belle to its junction with Road EE and the county line road. Head due
east along the county line to high ground at a soccer club on the north side of the road. There is a noticeable
drop-off beyond down to spot elevation 1056, so this point is in the 1060's. From here drive east to spot
elevation 1056 at the junction and drive north on the dirt road, crossing MO 28 and continuing due north to
spot elevation 1063. This is at or near a dwelling on the right (east) side of the road. High ground in this
area is either at the road or some distance out in the field. Looking back south-southwest along the huge contour,
it seemed obvious to me that everything was lower. The soccer area was too far away to hand-
level without magnification.
I next drove back to MO 28, headed west back to the Road EE junction and drove north on CR 738 to
investigate the western side of the area. I drove up to the very visible farm, but the ground to the northeast
looked much higher. My conclusion is that the highest points in the large area are found at the soccer club
and at spot levation 1063, and that they are very close to each other in elevation.