Pettis County High Point Trip Report
Date: October 11, 2002
Author: Bob Martin
Drive to Windsor Junction, which is on US65 at its junction with MO 52 at the Pettis-Benton county line.
From Windsor junction, drive a mile north and 0.2 mile east. Here on the south side of the road is the
parking area for the Paint Brush Prairie Conversation Area, maintained by the Missouri Conservation Department.
The northern hp area is within this conservation area. One of the many activities permitted is hiking.
Walk south-southeast through the lush grasses to the obvious hp area.
The next 2 areas are accessed from the road a half mile east of Windsor Junction. One area extends north
from the road and the other is 0.3 mile north of it. With permission, walk through the southern area to the
northern one, which is a distinct hill in a grassy field beyond a cultivated area. From the road, the north area
leveled higher. Back sighting was inconclusive because of higher land south of the road in Benton county.
For the southern area, drive a mile west and 2 miles south on road NW 101 from Windsor Junction.
The large area extends northwest from this intersection. The higher land appears to be 0.2 mile west of the
intersection near a house north of the road and on farther west at a hp west of spot elevation 1031 on the topo.