Phelps County High Point Trip Report
Date: November 10, 2001
Author: Mark Stauter
The highest point can be found on the Maples Quadrangle, in Section 33 of Township 34 North, Range 8 West.
It is 1,352 feet above mean sea level, and is located near the tricorner of Phelps, Texas, and Dent counties.
To get there, take Phelps County Road 6280 east from US-63 (directly opposite State Road K). Go about a
mile and turn right on County Road 6190. Go about a mile and veer left on County Road 6340. Stay on
6340 about two miles to the intersection with County Road 6350. Turn right on 6350, and the high point is
just ahead on your left. The property is posted, but the roadside appears to be almost if not equally as high.
Don't try this on the second Saturday in November, the first day of deer-hunting season, like I did. The site
is not very inspiring, being a flat area characteristic of high land in the Ozark plateau, although adjacent
down-slopes to creek valleys are obvious. The highest point is unnamed, and a local resident that I
encountered just downhill from the site was unaware of its significance.