Saint Charles County High Point Trip Report
Date: July 21, 2002
Author: Roger Barnes
I did not get to stand on top of St. Charles County, but here are some details that should be helpful.
There are four areas within a 900 foot contour near each other. These areas are along route T, about 2.2 miles
north of its intersection with route 94 just west of Augusta.
Once there, it is obvious that the large 900 foot area west of the road contains the high point. There is also
a lot of corn and/or soybeans right now, so being somewhat timid as beginners, we decided to wait before
even asking permission to walk through the fields.
There is also an old benchmark on their property, supposedly not found in 1991, but another benchmark 2.3
miles to the southwest was not found by the same group, but was later found OK by MODNR, so I think
another search for this one is appropriate. Also, my early research into Warren County indicates that it's hp
is also north of Route 94 not too far to the west, so doing both in one trip may be the ideal way to go.