Stoddard County High Point Trip Report
Date: May 5, 2003
Author: Bob Packard
Drove south on MO 25 to region on Dexter Quad containing southern 4 areas. I numbered the areas from
south to north.
#1 is in a land fill and is natural, but disturbed.
At entrance gate to the land fill I was not given permission to
walk in, so I walked around through field, bush and putrid drainage and working machinery to it.
To the south in the land fill is a huge area which is much higher but 100% man made. Didn't go there.
#2 is on someone's lawn.
#3 across MO 25 is also lawn.
#4 is grassy area between MO 25 and a frontage road.
#3 is higher than #2 and #4 and probably higher than #1.
Moving north on MO 25 to next cluster of 6 areas which I numbered west to east to north.
#5 is lawn. I asked someone at the house there with "PHILPOT" on mailbox if I could walk around the house. Yes!
#6 (on CR 511A) is front yard of old mobile home.
#7 is spot in road and had muddy tracks heading southeast but lower. Just east of #7 is radio tower.
Woman at house east of radio tower said it was OK to walk north of house.
#8 is hayfield with junk cars around.
#9 and #10 are in open pasture and easy to make out. #5 through #10 also on Dexter Quad.
I next took MO 25 north to Road Y (see DeLorme) which I took east 1.55 miles to CR 317 which also has
signs for Temple of Prayer and Gravel Hill Cemetery. Took it north 0.55 miles to Tommy Green's place on
the right (east). He became my guide. He took me 0.25 miles north on CR 317 (don't go left across from
Tommy's to Temple of Prayer and Gravel Hill Cemetery) to a red metal gate on the right (now on Clines
Island Quad). We parked and walked, oh, 0.3 mile in on ancient tracks (no longer used by regular vehicles)
to Hopkin Cemetery with a few stones on both sides of tracks. #11 is just to the north on left side of tracks.
Back to vehicles.
North on CR 317 another 1.45 miles to a locked gate on the right where Tommy left me and returned home.
Climbed over the gate and walked on respectable tracks to a radio tower on hill 544, climbed over another
gate and walked faint tracks across field and into woods over another locked gate to a clearing containing
Moore Cemetery announced with big wooden sign on tall metal post. #12 is in the clearing at good sized
cedar tree with SUMMERS grave stones, one each side of tree.
Going deeper into the woods on the tracks one comes to ATV tracks going along ridge to #13 and #14 in
the woods but easy to make out from the terrain and map (GPS not needed). Now #14 is the one with
elevation 586. Andy missed either #12 or #13. #13 and #14 are only 0.1 mile apart.
Back to CR 317 I could have gone north but didn't realize it and went south, then west on Road Y, then
north on MO 25, then east on MO 91, then south on CR 331. Now 1.2 miles south on CR 331, I came to
CR 317 coming in from the west. Now 0.2 mile further south on CR 331 I parked at radio tower (shows on
Bell City Quad), walked south from there finding #15 and #16 both easy to make out from the terrain and
open (deep) grass. #16 has yet another radio tower on it.
All areas 580+ feet.