Carter County High Point Trip Report
Date: May 31, 2002
Author: Andy Martin
Using Mike Schwartz's good report, we had no trouble getting lined out on this one, and easily got the
Honda to 4,300 feet on a dirt lane heading to top of West Butte. The track up the Butte looked steep,
and Molly and mom exited the vehicle for a short hike. From the back seat Jane piped up "that does not look so hard"
... "give 'er a go dad" ... "are you a man or a mouse ?" and similar encouraging words. Of course it
does not take a lot to get me going in cases like this, so we dropped into first gear, revved her high,
and made the grade on first try. Leaving mom and sis in the dust, we proceeded to the summit BM, where I
stepped on it, then jockeyed the car a bit so Jane could claim her first "Martinizing".
Unfortunately, this rare double was ruined by my discovery that the east area seemed to sight about a foot higher,
so we strolled over and built a nice rock pile there.
Note that West Butte is a regional high - in fact I believe it may be an honest 300-foot drop summit.
Views from top are pretty nice - believe we spotted Devils Tower.
GPS reading: Etrex WGS84, good sky - east area [no BM] (45° 5.471' N, 105° 1.185' W) at 4,500 ft