Wheatland County High Point Trip Report

Date: August 27, 2001
Author: Bob Packard

Great satisfaction on this one as had done Bluff Mountain, the WRONG Wheatland highpoint, in 1997.

Went south on Road 12W88S off of US 12 near Twodot. This is paved. Then it was southwest on Road 12W88SB past Farland-White Ranch. I was not too far past trying to figure out what roads to use when the woman of the ranch, Melody, drove up beside me and asked what I was up to.

She told me all the ranchers had closed off their roads due to EXTREME fire danger. She was very helpful, though. She let me park at a spot near Elk Creek (about 3.5 miles southwest of the ranch) and she DROVE me to a saddle at 5830 over the long ridge that comes east off the Cinnamon Peak complex.

Hiked up the ridge or west of it and climbed Cinnamon Peak (8,640+ feet), a non-summit, then the next point to the south which is about 20 feet higher than Cinnamon, although you'd never know it from the USGS map, then on to UN 8772 which IS a summit, having a drop of 312 feet to saddle leading to higher stuff in Meager County. Built cairn, left register.

Trip Statistics: 6.25 hours, 10 miles, 3200 feet elevation gain.