Mammoth Cave National Park High Point Trip Report
unnamed (920+ ft)
Date: July 30, 2001
Author: Dave Covill
We drove back Sunday AM via Mammoth Caves NP, and thanks to Ken Oeser,
we scored on a nice tour of the old cave. I hit the HP of the NP after.
There are 5 candidate contours with ground above 920'. One is just S of
the E entrance road, the other 4 are in a line along a half mile heading
N from the E entrance road.
The first, southern candidate is definitely
not the hp, as the contour just nicks the park boundary, and the land is
smooth and slopes uniformly W there. The largest contour is almost
certainly the highest. The map is misleading, as all of the contours are
bisected by the road, not just the largest one. The road rose to the S
from the park boundary to the largest contour, and the high ground was
very flat, but appeared highest 30' from the road, near the spot on the
road where a green power box is at the road edge.
I put a pill bottle register in a tree crack there. Directions to follow
when I find my notebook.