Billings County Highpoint Trip Report

Date: May 8, 2006
Author: Bob Schwab

I approached Bullion Butte from the north by getting permission to climb from the Griffin Ranch. Unfortunately, these kind owners are in the process of selling their ranch, so I don’t know with whom future visitors should make arrangements. I would suggest you contact the Grazing Association in Medora to determine who you should speak to about permission -- and buy a grasslands map.

Drive down FR 745 from the Medora area on a pretty good dirt road all the way to the Griffin Ranch. Park in the ranch yard, cross the creek, and hike southwest, crossing a ravine on the way to an obvious north ridge. There is a trail that begins at a ranch gate near a white hardscrabble area that is a lot of fun -- it rises about 1,000 vertical feet with a grand view of the badlands around you. Once you snake through the cap rock and get to the top (BM Bullion, 3336), the true highpoint is still over a mile away across the grassy top on the south rim of the butte. This is one of the best hikes I found in ND.