Griggs County High Point Trip Report
Date: March 28, 2002
Authors: Julie Kawa, Pat Wymore, Jobe Wymore
We ended up taking the long cut on this one so follow this trip report only if you want to do the same.
At the junction of ND1 and ND15, east of Pekin, head south on paved ND1. After 7 miles, you'll reach an
intersection with Nelson CO17. Turn right (west) here onto the good dirt road for 3 miles until you reach a
T-intersection. We turned south and followed the road as it swung to the southeast and back again to the south.
Roughly 6 miles later from the last T-intersection, you'll reach another. Here we turned right and
headed west for another 3 miles until we reached another, you guessed it, T-intersection. We took another
right here and headed north, this time for 2 miles to a 4 way intersection that has a black mailbox nearby on
the corner. We turned right (east) and followed this road until it ended at a farm/ranch that has a blue house.
This is where we had some pretty good luck. I knocked on the door and 2 daughters (?) answered and gave
us permission to head on up the hill(s) to the south of thir farm. No questions asked. Just funny looks and
giggles like we were insane. Just the way I like it. We got back in the vehicle and back-tracked a short way
to the fence line south of the house and crawled through a gate a little ways uphill. Went through some trees,
over a couple of false summits until topped out on the highest point in Griggs County. Just south of
here on another bump is some type of communications equipment. The "bump" is clear and views are pretty decent.